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Air conditioning repair service

How To Choose the Right Air Conditioning Repair Service in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

Your air conditioner is on the fritz and you’re sweating uncontrollably. You need an air conditioner repair service as soon as possible. 

However, that doesn’t mean that you should hire the first one you come across. You need to do a bit of research first. And that’s where this article comes in!

Without further ado, here’s how to choose the right air conditioning repair service in Port Saint Lucie, FL. 

Check for Licensure

First, check for proper licensure. In Florida, HVAC companies need to be licensed by the state. If they’re not, they’re operating illegally and should be avoided. 

You can determine whether a specific company is licensed by using the Florida license lookup website. Just type in the company’s name and see which licenses pop up. 

Check Reviews Online

You’re also going to want to check reviews online. You can find these on Yelp, Facebook, Google, and more. Just type the name of the company you’re considering into Google, and you should be met with a wide variety of reviews from past customers. 

Don’t let one review dictate too much of your opinion. Read them all and try to form a consensus. Remember: there are bound to be biased reviews mixed in with unbiased ones. 

Make Sure They’re Properly Insured

Insurance is an important thing to check for as well. HVAC companies should have both general liability and workers’ compensation insurance. Whereas general liability insurance will cover damages that occur to your property, workers’ compensation insurance will cover injuries that occur to company employees on your property. 

Make sure to see proof of both of these before signing anything. In doing so, you could be protecting yourself from major legal and financial headaches down the road. 

Make Sure They’ve Serviced AC Units Like Yours

There are, in general, two types of commercial-grade AC units. One of these is the central AC. The other is the ductless mini-split unit. 

Just because an AC repair service has repaired one doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve repaired the other. Therefore, before hiring anyone, you need to ensure that they’ve fixed an AC unit like yours. Get referrals from their past customers to ensure that this is, indeed, the case.

Ensure Experience

The last thing you should do is ensure experience. You don’t want to hire someone that’s new to this. You want someone who’s done it hundreds or thousands of times before. 

We advise choosing a company with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the field. If a company is still regarded positively after this time, it must be doing something right. 

Need an Air Conditioning Repair Service in Port Saint Lucie? 

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you need an air conditioning repair service in Port Saint Lucie. If so, look no further. Kuebler Mechanical is the company you seek. 

Our skilled team is well-versed in the repair of all types of air conditioners. Whether yours is a central AC unit, a ductless mini-split unit, or otherwise, we’re the ones to see. 

Contact us now to request a free quote! 

ac tune up Port St. Lucie, FL

How to Know It’s Time for an AC Tune Up in St. Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

The highest temperatures in Florida can average from 90°C to 95°C. Therefore, for your comfort, you should want to make sure that your ac is working at its most effective. This may mean hiring professional technicians for AC maintenance services.

However, you may not know how to tell when such services are necessary. If so, read on to learn some signs that it’s time for an AC tune-up.

Your AC Isn’t Cooling Properly

Are you constantly turning up your air conditioner but getting little to no relief from the heat? Did you clean out the air filter and find that this changed nothing? If so, your AC is probably experiencing a mechanical issue.

Your AC’s coils may be what’s to blame here. However, it’s best to not try and perform AC repair for these yourself. A professional technician is more likely to perform an effective repair without making any mistakes.

Your AC Is Constantly Turning On and Off

A functional AC will turn on and off once in a while. The unit does this to cool the air until it reaches a certain temperature. When the AC’s thermometer senses that the air has reached this temperature, it tells the AC unit to turn off.

However, it is certainly possible for the thermometer in the AC to malfunction. Often, this will make it unable to accurately gauge the temperature and give the wrong signals to the AC unit. A technician can tune-up your AC and get rid of this issue.

Your AC Is Making Odd Noises

Most air conditioners are not completely silent. However, there are certain sounds you shouldn’t hear from your AC unit. These include hissing, buzzing, banging, and whistling.

In this situation, it may be worth it to order an air conditioning tune-up to check on the issue. If anything, your technician can perform other AC maintenance tasks while he or she is there.

Your AC Is Emitting Weird Smells

If your AC is emitting smells, the AC tune-up cost can be especially worth it. Situations that cause your AC unit to emit smells can be very hazardous.

In one situation, fungus may have invaded your AC. The existence of this in an indoor space can cause health hazards. A technician can remove this fungus and prevent these hazards.

In another situation, the insulation on your AC unit’s wires may have eroded. If a technician doesn’t replace these wires, they may start a fire.

Hire Us for an AC Tune-Up in Port St. Lucia, Florida

Overall, pay attention to how your air conditioning unit acts normally. That way, you can tell when it’s doing anything unusual. Most of these unusual behaviors can mean that it’s time for an AC tune-up.

When you feel it’s time to get an air conditioning tune-up in Port St. Lucia, Florida, consider our services. We’re dedicated to providing our customers with quality heating and air conditioning services that satisfy them. For a free price quote, contact us today.

HVAC maintenance repair

4 HVAC Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Unit in Port St Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

As the heat rises on Florida’s Treasure Coast, so do electric bills. From February 2021 to February 2022, Florida consumers saw an increase in electricity cost of 15%. No wonder many of us are looking for ways to reduce our outgoings.

Prioritizing HVAC maintenance is a great place to start. Not only will it use less electricity, but it will also put back the day you have to replace the entire system.

Let’s take a closer look at four HVAC maintenance tips to keep your system in great shape for as long as possible.

1. Schedule a Regular Tune-Up

We ask our HVAC systems to perform two very different functions. They’re not going to heat in winter and cool in summer efficiently without regular HVAC servicing.

Annual HVAC maintenance is good – bi-annual is best. Schedule them for spring and fall so your system is ready for both the heat and the cold. A tune-up includes a complete heating and cooling check, plus condensate drain cleaning.

2. Clean Air Filters Regularly

One of the best pieces of HVAC maintenance advice is to schedule regular air filter cleaning. Your air filters remove dust, dirt, pathogens, and pet dander from the air—basically, most of the stuff you don’t want to breathe.

But when they get clogged, two things happen. It’s harder to pump air through the system. You use more electricity, and parts wear out more quickly.

Also, your indoor air quality gets worse. You may find your family suffers more from respiratory complaints or allergies. Create a brief HVAC maintenance checklist that you follow each month or quarter, depending on your system.

3. Clean and Insulate Your Ducts

Your ducts are like the lungs of your house. But over time, they can get clogged with dust and dirt. If condensation builds up inside them, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus that are not good for your health.

Regular cleaning helps to keep clean air flowing through your home. Ideally, get this done once a year. Also, ask the company to check for leaks, making the system less efficient.

Keeping your ducts well insulated will reduce your energy bills as the air inside won’t be as affected by the ambient temperature.

4. Use the Auto Setting

If you use the ‘on’ function on your HVAC system, it will run all the time. This might provide a significant level of cooling, but it’s not the most efficient way to use the system. It also puts a lot of strain on the motor because it’s running all the time.

If your HVAC system comes with an auto setting, give it a whirl. It only runs the fans when they are heating or cooling. This makes better use of electricity and reduces wear on the fan motors.

Choose Kuebler Mechanical for HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance is crucial for extending the life of one of the most vital – and costly – systems in your home.

Regular HVAC servicing is the key, and if you’re in Port St. Lucie, FL, or the Treasure Coast, look no further than Kuebler Mechanical. We’re heating and cooling specialists and have great deals to save you money.

Call us today at (772) 222-3768 or request a free quote online.