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ac maintenance

4 Tips To Minimize the Strain on Your AC During the Summer in Port Saint Lucie FL

By HVAC Blogs

Port Saint Lucie FL sees an average of four months of summer heat, where the daily average high doesn’t dip below 86 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that for several months out of the year, your home’s AC unit is working hard to keep your home cold.

But if you don’t want to wind up with an HVAC unit that stops working long before its time, it’s a good idea to also take measures to reduce some of the strain you put on it this time of year.

From scheduling regular AC maintenance appointments to adjusting your thermostat to a reasonable level, keep reading as we explore a few tips to minimize strain on your AC unit during the summer in Port Saint Lucie FL.

1. Change Your Air Filter

One great way to make sure that your AC unit isn’t working overtime is to regularly change your air filters. This ensures that your HVAC unit doesn’t have to force air through a dirty, clogged filter.

Not only does changing your air filter helps your AC unit function better, but it can also help to improve indoor air quality. That’s because this filter removes allergens like dust and pet hair from the air inside your home.

How often you need to change your air filter varies depending on the type of filter, the size of your home, the season, and how much debris it is capturing. As a general rule, for healthy air quality, you’ll need to change your filter every 30 to 90 days.

If you schedule a regular ac and heating tune-up, they can change your air filter for you. But this is also something that you can quickly do on your own throughout the year. One thing that you can do is talk to your choice of ac companies to make sure that you’re purchasing and using the right type of air filter for your unit.

2. Adjust Your Thermostat Setting

Often, when an AC unit won’t heat a home to the temperature that a homeowner wants, they assume that they need to call for heating and cooling maintenance. But often this isn’t the case.

Before you call for heating and cooling near me, make sure that the temperature that you’re trying to set your thermostat at is something your unit can achieve based on outside conditions.

As a general rule, your AC unit should be able to cool your home to 15 to 25 degrees below the outside temperature. If you set your thermostat lower, you could be causing your air conditioner to work overtime to try to keep up.

3. Cool Your Home in Other Ways

Another great way to reduce strain on your AC unit is to look for other ways to help keep your home cool.

For instance, you should always keep windows and doors closed on a hot day. You can also use blackout curtains to block windows that let in a lot of hot air.

4. Schedule an AC Maintenance Appointment

The final tip for reducing strain on your AC unit is to make sure that you’re having it serviced regularly. Finding the right AC repair near me and scheduling one or two maintenance visits a year can help keep your HVAC unit in top shape, and allow you to spot any issues that could be reducing your unit’s efficiency, such as your air conditioner leaking air.

If the repair person does find something wrong, they can give you an AC repair free estimate so that you can decide whether you’ll repair or replace your unit.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance in Port St. Lucie With Kuebler Mechanical

Scheduling regular AC maintenance, changing your air filters, looking for ways to cool your home, and adjusting your thermostat setting can all help reduce strain on your AC unit this summer.

To learn more about keeping your AC unit in top shape all year long, click here for more HVAC maintenance tips!

AC problems

5 Common Causes Your AC is Failing in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

Did you know Port Saint Lucie has an average high temperature of 89 degrees during August?

When the scorching summer heat hits Port Saint Lucie, Florida, having a fully functional air conditioning system is essential for staying comfortable indoors. There are times when your AC may stop working or fail to cool your home well.

Understanding the common causes of AC problems can help you with HVAC troubleshooting or seeking professional AC repairs promptly. Here are five common reasons your AC is failing in Port Saint Lucie.

1. Lack of Heating and Cooling Maintenance

Keeping up with ac and heating tune-ups is crucial to keep your system running. Over time, debris can build up in the filters and vents, reducing airflow and causing a strain on the system. Worn-out parts or loose connections can also go unnoticed without routine inspections.

To prevent unexpected HVAC problems, schedule regular maintenance with a reputable HVAC company in Port Saint Lucie.

2. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is a significant factor that keeps your AC system running. It absorbs heat from indoor air and cools it down. If your AC is not working or you find refrigerant pooling around the unit, you likely have a refrigerant leak.

It’s essential to contact an experienced AC repair company in Port Saint Lucie to recharge the refrigerant. This will prevent your air conditioner from leaking in the future.

3. Electrical Issues

Electrical problems can cause your AC to malfunction or stop working altogether.

If you think you have a broken AC unit, it’s worth checking your electrical panel to ensure that the circuit breaker for the AC isn’t tripped. If you encounter any electrical problems, leaving the repairs to qualified AC companies is best to avoid any safety hazards.

4. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

Your air conditioning system produces condensation as it cools the air. This moisture gets drained through a condensate drain line to prevent water buildup. Over time, algae and mold can accumulate in the drain line, leading to clogs. When the drain line is blocked, the excess moisture can back up and cause your AC to leak water.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the condensate drain line can prevent clogs and potential water damage to your AC system.

5. Dirty Evaporator or Condenser Coils

The evaporator and condenser coils in your AC system are vital for efficient heat exchange. Over time, these coils can get covered in dirt, dust, and grime, hindering their ability to transfer heat.

As a result, your AC may struggle to cool your home, resulting in poor performance and increased energy consumption. Searching for “AC repair near me” can help you find a great HVAC technician.

In Need of AC Repair in Port St. Lucie Contact Kuebler Mechanical

Understanding the common causes of AC failures can help you know when to get an AC repair-free estimate. If you’re experiencing AC problems, contact a trusted AC repair company to resolve the issue immediately.

Are you looking for an excellent HVAC company in Saint Port Lucie? Then, contact Kuebler Mechanical to get the high-quality service you deserve.

ac system

Things Port Saint Lucie, FL Homeowners Should Know Before Turning the AC Back on for Summer

By HVAC Blogs

ac systemAs the temperature begins to creep higher and higher here in Florida, many of us are turning on our air conditioners for the first time since winter’s cold let up. The intense heat of summer seems to hit earlier and earlier each year, with the state setting heat records even this April! However, before you get your air conditioner to start churning out cold air, it’s important to make sure your AC system is up to the challenge.

A few simple steps can help you inspect your system from top to bottom, preparing your home for the sweltering summer months. Read on to learn what to do.

Check the Filters

It’s best practice to change your air conditioner filter once every one to three months when it’s in use, though you may need to do it more often if you smoke or own pets. Failing to do so can affect the lifespan of your system.

If you haven’t turned your AC on in a while, check the filter. If it’s old and dirty, replace it for a fresh start.

Check Your Outdoor AC Unit

Your outdoor cooling system is a crucial part of your AC, and the seasonal change is a good time to inspect it. Look for any damaged or misaligned panels, and clear away any leaves, dirt, or debris. You should also check to ensure that the unit is still level, as the ground underneath these heavy systems can sometimes shift.

You should also do a visual inspection of your refrigerant lines. If you notice something wrong, don’t touch them: refrigerant is a hazardous chemical, and only a pro should address issues with it.

Clear Your Vents and Registers

The vents and registers in your home tend to accumulate dust, dander, and pet hair. This may be especially true if you’ve been using your heating system throughout the winter.

Make sure to clean the vents and registers throughout your home before turning on your AC to prevent these particles from becoming airborne. You should also make sure you haven’t moved any furniture to block these openings.

Check the Indoor Unit

You’ll also want to check your indoor unit for damage. Peek at your system’s electrical wiring for signs of wear or corrosion. If there’s any exposed ductwork in your home, check it for signs of wear as well.

If you’re comfortable doing so, you can also clean your drain line. This can help prevent clogs.

Change Your Thermostat

If you have a central air system, now is the time to switch your thermostat from “Heat” to “Cool.” If you have a programmable thermostat, consider adjusting the daily temperature according to your family’s new schedule, especially if you and your children will be home during the day more often during summer vacation. Experts recommend setting your home’s temperature to 78 degrees for an ideal balance between comfort and savings.

Get More Out of Your AC System

When it comes to home cooling, it’s important to prepare your AC system for the summer months. By inspecting and cleaning your indoor and outdoor unit, you can ensure that your air conditioner is ready to provide comfort to your household even during record-breaking heat waves!

If you run into issues or need help getting your air conditioner to turn on, reach out to our team. Our experienced technicians at Kuebler Mechanical are proud to serve homeowners throughout Port Saint Lucie, and we’ll be happy to diagnose and repair the issue. To learn more, contact us today.

AC system

Top Reasons Homeowners in Port Saint Lucie, FL Should Finance Their AC System

By HVAC Blogs

Having an AC system in your home in Port Saint Lucie, FL provides a wealth of benefits. But what about the wealth to invest in an air conditioning system in the first place? The solution is to consider financing your AC system.

Florida is where air conditioning began. In the 1800s, John Gorrie invented the first air conditioning machine. AC systems have come a long way since then, transforming the lives of many who live in states such as Florida. And AC financing options now make AC systems more accessible than ever.

So, what is AC financing? Financing an AC system allows you to pay over time. It means you can enjoy the benefits of your AC without the upfront cost. Read on to learn the reasons you should consider this.

Manage Your Finances

Paying for AC systems upfront can make a massive dent in budgets and impact your spending for some time. However, many AC companies in Florida offer AC financing options that make it easier to manage your budget. You will have the chance to create a payment plan, such as paying in monthly increments, which makes it easy to manage your monthly budget and spending.

AC Payment Flexibility

AC financing also gives you payment flexibility. You can decide how to pay for the monthly AC costs to suit your needs. For example, you may be able to take out a credit card that also works with future AC service needs, such as Port Saint Lucie AC maintenance.

More Purchasing Options

AC financing gives you more purchasing options, as you do not have to worry about the upfront cost. You can consider more advanced and efficient systems that otherwise would have been out of your budget.

High-efficiency systems can also give you long-term cost savings. For example, ENERGY STAR-certified equipment can cut your energy bill by around $140. So, you get a system that will provide the comfort you need in Port Saint Lucie, and you can also save money.

Build Credit

If you choose AC financing with a credit card, you have the chance to build credit. This will help with future financing and improve your credit history. It also frees up your cash flow, so you can also invest in other home improvements.

Fast Application Process

AC companies in Florida also offer fast application processes for AC financing. The easy application process means you will know your financing options quickly and determine what works best for you. You can then receive your air conditioning system as soon as possible and enjoy its many benefits.

HVAC Financing Options in Port Saint Lucie, FL with Kuebler Mechanical

There are many reasons why AC financing may be the best option for you. Even if you have the upfront costs to purchase your AC system, the financing benefits may turn out to be a better option for you.

Are you ready to explore your options? Kuebler Mechanical are HVAC specialists in Port Saint Lucie and the surrounding cities. Contact us today to discuss your AC system needs.

indoor air quality test

Why You Need to Do an Indoor Air Quality Test at Your Port Saint Lucie, FL Home

By HVAC Blogs

As long as the air in your home smells good, you may be under the impression that you don’t have to worry about your indoor air quality. But a recent study revealed that the indoor air quality in homes is often a lot worse than people realize.

For this reason, you should strongly consider having an indoor air quality test performed ASAP. It’ll make sure your home meets indoor air quality standards.

There are many benefits of an indoor air quality test that you’ll get access to when you have one done. Here are several reasons why you should invest in indoor air quality testing in Port Saint Lucie, FL.

1. Picks Up On the Proliferation of Volatile Organic Compounds

If you’ve ever had something like new carpeting installed in your home, you’ve probably sensed a strong smell once it’s been put into place. You might also sense this same smell when you buy new furniture or even do something as simple as putting up a new shower curtain.

This smell is actually a sign that you have Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, in your home. Some VOCs, like formaldehyde, can be harmful to your health.

If you have high VOC levels in your home, you’ll want to do something about it right away. But you won’t be able to find out if you have VOCs in your home without doing an indoor air quality test in Port Saint Lucie, FL.

2. Identifies the Presence of Mold, Mildew, and Bacteria

At any given moment, you might have mold, mildew, and/or bacteria growing in your home. Once these things start growing, they can spread quickly and cause all kinds of serious respiratory issues.

Indoor air quality testing in Port Saint Lucie, FL can identify the presence of these things in your home and let you know you need to do something about them. Otherwise, you might end up living in a home with mold, mildew, or bacteria growing in it for years without even noticing it.

3. Warns of the Emission of Carbon Monoxide

Ideally, you should have carbon monoxide detectors set up all throughout your home to make sure you don’t have high CO levels in it at any time. But you should also do an indoor air quality test every now and then to see if you might have carbon monoxide in your home that can do damage to your health and potentially even kill you.

It’s one more great reason to hire an HVAC company that specializes in performing indoor air quality testing in Port Saint Lucie, FL. They’ll be able to run the right tests to ensure that something like carbon monoxide doesn’t go undetected in your home.

Schedule an Indoor Air Quality Test Today with Kuebler Mechanical

When is the last time you had an indoor air quality test performed in your home? If it’s been a while now, change that today.

Kuebler Mechanical can provide you with the indoor air quality services you need. We can also talk to you about how to improve indoor air quality over time.

Contact us now to arrange to have indoor air quality services carried out in your home in Port Saint Lucie, FL.

Service Your Air Conditioning

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioning Unit in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

Can you imagine living in Florida without an air conditioning unit?

Having an air-conditioned home is the best way to stay cool and comfortable in warm weather. People in Florida know this is the best way to beat the heat, with 86% of the homes in Florida using air conditioning. 

However, to ensure that your air conditioning unit continues running efficiently and keeps you and your family cool even on the hottest of days, it needs regular servicing. 

Keep reading to find out how often you should service your air conditioning unit. 

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioning Unit?

According to regulations set by the Department of Energy and Energy Star, you should be servicing your air conditioning unit at least once annually. There are many reasons why regular servicing is recommended. 

It’s Better to Plan

Annual maintenance by your HVAC repair specialist is better than waiting until the worst happens and your air conditioning unit ceases to work. You especially don’t want a broken air conditioning unit in the warmer months. It’s best to plan ahead and book a service appointment. 

An urgent call to your HVAC repair team will cost more than scheduling a regular service appointment. Pre-planning will help you avoid urgent service call fees and allows your repairman to catch any problems before they arise. 

Your Energy Costs Will Decrease

When a cooling system is well-maintained, it functions efficiently. A well-functioning air conditioning unit uses less energy, emits fewer pollutants, and reduces the cost of your energy bill. The decreases in your energy bill can offset the expense of regular maintenance. 

It Optimizes Air Flow

Regular AC repair and maintenance ensures better airflow throughout your home. You will have more evenly distributed cool air, a quiet operating volume, and more efficient humidity regulation.

The HVAC System Lasts Longer

Avoid the costs associated with buying a new HVAC unit by extending the life of your unit through regular maintenance. A neglected air conditioning system will need replacing much sooner than a well-maintained unit. 

It’s Required For the Warranty

If your unit has a warranty on it, the policy may only cover issues if you have been keeping up with regular maintenance. HVAC manufacturers know that regular HVAC repair and maintenance helps prevent many common equipment failures, so they make sure to include it in the policy. 

When to Call Your Repairman

Make sure you call your local HVAC repair company to book maintenance appointments well in advance. Waiting until the last minute to book your appointment might keep you waiting, especially during the warmer season of the year. 

Some situations can’t wait for an annual appointment. Call your repairman immediately if:

  • Home temps are inconsistent
  • The AC unit is leaking
  • You feel hot air instead of cold
  • The unit is making loud or unusual noises
  • Bad odors coming from the unit
  • You notice a spike in energy bills

Service Your Air Conditioning Port Saint Lucie

Service your air conditioning on a regular basis to ensure the efficient and effective cooling of your home. This will help you to avoid any unpleasant air conditioning surprises when you least expect them.  

To schedule a regular servicing of your air conditioning unit, contact the Kuebler Mechanical team today. Servicing all of Port Saint Lucie and the Treasure Coast, we are proud to offer prompt, friendly, reliable service, flexible scheduling, and easy payment options. Stay cool, friends!

furnace repair

5 Signs You Need a Furnace Repair in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

Never forget about your furnace! 48% of the country relies on gas-powered appliances for their home heating. Most people use a gas or electric furnace in order to keep themselves warm. 

You may have had your furnace in Port Saint Lucie for years, and you may think it will last for decades. But it can fall apart before you know it. If you want to keep your HVAC system intact this winter, you need to know when to order furnace repair. 

What are signs that you need immediate repairs? How should you respond to gas leaks or other emergencies? Are there any furnace problems you can fix by yourself? 

Answer these questions and you can have a warm and comfortable winter in Port Saint Lucie this year. Here are five signs you need furnace repair.

1. Unusual Odors

Your furnace may create an odor reminiscent of the fuel they use. This is okay when you turn your furnace on for the first time this year. But if you continue to smell fuel around your unit, the unit may be leaking, which can cause a fire. 

Your unit should also not smell like smoke, chemicals, or other toxic materials. Turn your furnace off immediately and call a furnace company near you. 

2. Discolored Pilot Lights

A healthy pilot light will be blue, suggesting that your furnace is receiving a steady amount of fuel. A red or orange pilot light suggests that gases are not dissipating properly through your furnace.

This can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or fires. Turn your furnace off, disconnect it from its fuel source, and order furnace services.

3. Low Heat

Many furnace issues can prevent your system from providing heat. You may have leaks in your vents, keeping hot air from entering the rooms you are in. You can inspect your vents and use screws and nails to keep the panels together. 

Your furnace may be running low on fuel. Turn your system off and then restock the fuel supply. If your vents seem fine and your furnace has fuel, ask someone to come in and inspect your system.

4. Loud Noises

Your furnace may make noises as fuel burns and air circulates through your home. But furnace problems may create very loud noises that can disrupt your sleep and make it hard to focus. If you hear squeaking or banging noises, you need to get help.

5. Low Air Quality

Your furnace will impact the quality of your air. If your furnace is dirty and contains dust and bacteria, these substances will enter your air supply. 

Clean your furnace multiple times a month during the winter. Swap out clogged filters with new ones, vacuum your vents, and inspect your air for its quality. Turn your furnace off if you ever detect dangerous chemicals or gases in the air.

When You Should Order Furnace Repair

A furnace repair may occur sooner rather than later. Unusual odors and discolored pilot lights suggest your furnace has a gas leak. Low heat, loud noises, and low air quality can indicate mechanical problems.

Turn your furnace off so it does not develop more damage. You should check your system and make sure your furnace has the right amount of fuel. If you notice a loose panel, you can tighten it into place. 

You should then get help from furnace professionals in Florida. Kuebler Mechanical serves furnace owners in the Port Saint Lucie area. Contact us today.

ac repair services

3 Benefits of Hiring AC Repair Services in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

August is statistically the hottest month in Port Saint Lucie, FL, with an average high of 89°F. But you can also experience hot weather during most of the other months.

As a result, keeping your air conditioner working well is crucial. But how do you keep it running well?

The best way is through proper repairs and maintenance, and you can get these by hiring a company that offers AC repair services.

Here are three excellent reasons to hire a company for your AC repairs, so keep reading to learn these.

1. Improves AC Efficiency

You can call a South Florida AC repair company when your AC system stops working. However, you can also hire them if your system isn’t working well.

One benefit of hiring an experienced AC company is it helps improve your system’s efficiency. An AC system’s efficiency controls several things.

First, it controls how comfortable your home temperature is when it’s hot outside. Secondly, it controls how often your system runs. Finally, it controls how much you spend on energy costs.

An AC company can help you improve your system’s efficiency, providing you with several key benefits.

2. AC Repair Services Recommend the Best Maintenance

You’ll call a company that offers Port Saint Lucie AC repair services when your system isn’t working properly. You can also call when your system stops working altogether.

When the AC repair service company fixes the system, they’ll also recommend the necessary maintenance steps. An AC system needs maintenance.

With the correct maintenance, your system will:

  • Last longer
  • Run less
  • Operate more efficiently
  • Experience fewer problems
  • Help you save money

Following the AC company’s maintenance schedule benefits you.

3. Trustworthy Services

It’s also vital to realize that hiring AC repair companies for repairs and maintenance is the safest way to fix your system. It’s also the best way to receive trustworthy services.

Of course, you’ll need to choose the best contractor. First, you can search for “AC repair in Port Saint Lucie” to find options in your area. Then, you can pick a company.

A trustworthy company is a business with a great reputation. You can discover a company’s reputation by researching the business and reading reviews.

Secondly, trustworthy companies stand behind their work. They offer guarantees on their services.

Thus, hiring the right company provides you with services you can trust that comes with a guarantee. When you find a company like this, you’ll have someone to call whenever you need AC repairs or maintenance.

Hire the Best AC Repair Company

You rely on your air conditioning when living in Florida, so you’ll need to keep up with your AC repair services. The best way to do this is by finding a reputable company you trust to handle all your AC services.

Contact us if you’re looking for a reliable AC company in Port Saint Lucie, FL. We offer AC repairs and maintenance and would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us on our website or call us at 772-222-3768.

HVAC maintenance in port St. Lucie

4 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Homeowners in Port Saint Lucie, FL

By HVAC Blogs

Did you know that the average American household spends at least $1,100 on air conditioning each year? Air conditioning is the key to keeping our homes comfortable no matter what the weather is like year-round. If you’re tired of spending a fortune on your electric bills, then you may want to know what you can do to keep your HVAC unit as efficient as possible. Prioritizing HVAC maintenance in Port St. Lucie is crucial for preventing expensive repairs in the long run.

Read on to learn what steps you can take to avoid common HVAC issues.

1. Change Your Air Filters

One simple but powerful step that should be included in your HVAC maintenance routine is changing your air filters on a regular basis. Neglecting this chore will reduce your air quality and make your HVAC unit work harder.

Most people have filters that need to be changed once a month, but some are designed to last three months. You should change yours more often if you have pets or allergies.

2. Keep Your Outdoor HVAC Unit Clean

It’s easy to forget about your outdoor HVAC unit since it’s out of sight, out of mind. Try to head outside to inspect the unit a few times each year to ensure that everything looks good.

You should trim any plants that are encroaching on that space. Take a close look to see if there’s any debris like twigs and leaves that you can swipe away from the unit.

3. Weatherproof Your Home to Reduce Strain

The weather in Florida tends to be a lot hotter than what people find comfortable. If your home isn’t weatherproofed yet, then this means that you’re allowing your money to fly out of the window.

After you seal up your windows, doors, cracks, and other entry points in your home, you can stop cooled or heated air from escaping. This will work wonders for lowering your electric bills.

4. Get an Annual Residential HVAC System Checkup

It’s always smart to call up a professional HVAC business at least once a year to give your home a checkup. They’ll be able to help with maintenance and treat little issues before they grow into bigger headaches.

Since HVAC issues can be tricky or even dangerous for the average homeowner to resolve, you should give your unit the greatest care possible. Try to schedule your appointment before peak summer or winter when temperatures are at their worst.

For HVAC Maintenance Service in Port St. Lucie Contact Kuebler Mechanical

As you can see HVAC maintenance in Port St. Lucie doesn’t have to be an overwhelming chore. As long as you follow these useful tips, you can keep your home comfortable all year round.

Do you need professional help maintaining or repairing HVAC systems in Port St. Lucie, Florida? Contact us to learn how we can help and get a quote.

HVAC maintenance Port St. Lucie, FL

Essential HVAC Maintenance Tips for All Homeowners in Port Saint Lucie

By HVAC Blogs

Your HVAC unit is under attack. The average unit lasts between 12 and 15 years. This seems like a long time, yet your unit can break down in less than 10 years, and it can cost nearly $10,000 to replace. If you want your unit to last for decades, you need to think about HVAC maintenance. There are many basic steps you can take to make your unit last longer. You can take the first step right now by educating yourself on maintenance tips.

When do you need to replace parts of your HVAC unit? How should you clean your unit? When do you need to schedule appointments with repair technicians?

Answer these questions and you can have perfect air in your home for years to come. Here is your quick guide.

Change Your Filters

Your AC filters capture dust, hair, and debris, keeping your air clean. If you notice dust floating through the air, your filters are clogged or broken and need to be changed. You should also change your filters every 30 days, as they tend to become clogged around that time.

Find exact replicas of the filters you have. Follow the instructions on the package so you put them inside your AC without damaging your heating system.

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

Your outdoor unit is exposed to dirt, leaves, and other debris. You must go outside and examine your unit multiple times a month and after any major storm.

If you see debris, you should remove it with your hand and throw it in a trash bin. You should also hose your unit down with water, removing dirt and dust. Try to trim the plants around your unit, giving one to three feet of space so the air can flow in and out.

Clear the Area Around Your Unit

You need to clear the space around your interior unit as well. This allows air to flow properly, and it lets you feel the effects of your HVAC unit.

Do not allow pets to go near your unit, as their fur and hair can slip inside. You can install a fence around it to keep the pets from entering. You should vacuum the room your unit is in and remove any shag or tattered carpeting.

Schedule Appointments With Professionals

All homeowners should schedule appointments with maintenance professionals. Even if you are maintaining your unit properly, a professional can give you HVAC maintenance tips.

Try to get one appointment during the spring and another during the fall. During the spring appointment, the repairperson can fix your air conditioning system and calibrate your thermostat. During the fall appointment, they can repair your heating system and lubricate the moving parts.

Figure Out HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance requires your best effort. Take a look at your filters every month and swap them out whenever they get clogged. Go outside and clean your unit once a week.

You also need to protect your interior unit from pet hair and debris. Fence off your vents so the air can circulate without picking up contaminants. Even if you don’t notice problems with your unit, you should schedule appointments twice a year.

Do not hesitate to pick up the phone. Kuebler Mechanical serves the Port St. Lucie area. Contact us today.